Education Issues
Draft Version 7, 9 Apr 2013, Etienne Saliez, ---- Next - Previous
- Index of CCTOS Issues, /
- Issues:
- Helping a few individual patients is of course an urgent need, but
the main challenge of emerging countries is to provide
- Approaches:
- Beginners need above all to learn how to manage medical
information. This is why the above method of explicit recording of
"Observations-Problems-Activities" is particularly recommended for
beginners. It is also very useful in a multidisciplinary
- Access to textbooks of theoretical knowledge must be available,
however it is not enough because the lecture of textbooks is
- Education is to learn how to solve problems. As far as possible a
transparency of the decision steps is very important. Semantic
schemas will be probably more easy to understand than long explanations
in text.
- Scenario of "Contextual training":
- Ask local staff to record what they have observed,
- Ask them to document their current understanding of the patient
- On their request provide a second opinion:
- If in agreement, a motivating acknowledgement for the local
- If suggestions to proceed in a different way, a factor of
training, when providing some background information related to
the current Health Issues. Maybe just one page of
explantions. Next time a similar situation will arise, the
local staff is expected to know better how to proceed.
- User guide of the system itself:
- Also by means of contextual explanations, when clicking on help
buttons included in most pages. The user guides may depend on the
user preferences in function of the level of training.