Information Interoperability
Draft Version 6.6, 2 June 2011, Etienne Saliez, ---- Next
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- Issues:
- The project should focus on patient care. Clinical modifiers are
mandatory in patient care practice. For example degree of certitude,
intensity, etc... These clinical attributes are not yet well
standardized. If available at all they are usually represented in
free text.
- Historically standard have been designed mainly for epidemiological
purposes. Official "standards" did contribute to alleviate the
interoperability problems. However only to a limited extend since
proprietary softwares companies are always trying to avoid to expose
how they work internally. Standards defined many years ago in very
different contexts are not necessarily a panacea for our current
- Approaches:
- Of course when useful, use official standards, but we may need
- Open Source is expected to become a major factor of
- References to dictionaries should be systematically prefixed, with
worldwide unique prefix.
- While classifications of academic diagnoses are very well
standardised, as for example the ICD from the WHO, more should be
developed in the domain of "Heath Issues" concepts and links to related