Support of
Care Provider Multitasking Activities
- Problems:
- The traditional usage is that the doctor will pay attention to the
patient during N minutes if the patient did take the initiative to ask
a consultation. Otherwise nearly no services. This is even worse in
contexts where doctors are paid in function of the number of visits.
Stories are known of patient who did not come back after lab and
radiology, and were not made aware that a test did indicate a serious
problem requiring surgery as soon as possible.
- Objectives:
- Support of responsible followup of a group of patients.
- Appoaches:
- Starting from the "Patient List" project from the NHS HACKDAY
London in May 2012,
, but extended for use in other situations and paying attention to more
long term followup of responsibilities.
- Multitasking means that an up to date overview of the specific
patient population must be at hand at any time.
- Contributions to solutions:
- Review of the background issues of multitasking, seen as a kind of
reminder of things due to be checked and/or done. Management of
patient lists could be based on generic procedures, while the medical
content dépend on the context.
- Figure out and make examples of which medical content would be most
useful in differnet contexts as:
- Critical patients
- Emergency entrance where new patients should be dispatched as
soon as possible, either to an admission or back at home: overview
of the group of patients with their main problem and urgency level,
as well indication of what is one waiting for (e.g. results of lab
- Having a chronic disease needing periodic controls, for example
- Needing followup of long term anticoagulant therapy,
- Vaccination renewal due term,
- Patients of a GP currently admitted in different hospitals,
- etc .........
- In order to be readable, lists List should be very concise. Figure
out how to present the reminders, maybe as icons ? Having an overview
the doctor would click on an entry in order to zoom to the details.
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