CCTOS: Trust
and Responsibilities
Draft Version 6.5, 10 May 2011, Etienne Saliez, ---- Next
- Previous - Index of CCTOS Issues,
- Issues:
- Information of unknown origin could not be trusted.
- Different actors could have sometimes different valuable opinions
about the same set of observations.
- Legal requirement of traceability.
- Approaches:
- In order to add new information, the user must be be qualified and
accredited as a member of the care team of the patient. For example a
prescription depend on 2 conditions: be given by a doctor who is
currently member of the Care Team. For example the pharmacist chosen
by the patient is considered as a temporary member of the Care
- Any member of the Care Team may introduce comments, but the
responsible author must always remain visible.
- The computer network is neutral and different medical opinions are
allowed to be recorded alongside, always mentioning the responsible
- Someone else than the original author should be able to express his
opinion, approving or disagreeing. The system must be able to record
this kind of "co-signature" of the original document. The point is
here to prevent Care Team colleagues to create unnecessary new copies
of the same documents.
- Versioning:
- Update of Items are normally never allowed, but only new
versions. This should be true for all Items, even including the
patient identification.
- For medical reason it may be important to be able to go back to a
previous step.
- Also a mandatory legal requirement. A decision is acceptable
according the "rules of the arts" in function of all what was known
at the time of that decision.
- Responsibility:
- The responsibility of the expert is limited to what is possible
to say about the provided electronic information.