Collaborative Care Team in Open Source
Medical Challenges and requirements
Version 7 Sept 2016, Etienne Saliez /
- The essential goal is to solve patient's health problems, as far as
- Therefore the question is how informatics and telecommunications can
help in the care process, i.e. more than just a simulation of the
traditional way of working with papers.
- The first step is to identify the current issues in general.
- Next we have to formulate a vision of the care process.
- Next a break down of the necessary tasks.
- This chapter is dealing with WHAT to do, while the next one will
deals with HOW to achieve solutions taking advantage of sharing
know-how in Open Source and managing professional support for large
medical organizations.
- Models can be seen from different points of view, "task model" and
"data model".
- See the project Interactive Medical Mind
Current Issues:
"Task Model"
- The essential question is to try to solve health problem of the
patient. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the care process.
- Look at what most matter for the patient. A patient has usually
several "Health Issues" needing solutions.
- Understanding and agreement on task or service models are very
critical for the design of informatics solutions..
- Health Issues:
- Therefore the first step is to identify the problems of the
patient. An overview as a complete "Problem List":
- What matter are "Health Issues", a broader concept than
"Diagnoses" ?
- An essential responsibility of the doctor while many
other tasks can be delegated.
- In most cases a patient has a care team of several
professionals, GP, specialists, nurses. At any time they
need to share up to date information.
- They need to understand the information and a
standardization of "Health Issues" is necessary.
- The information must be complete including clinical
qualifiers, as degree of belief, importance, etc...
- Observations:
- Make explicit on basis of which observations these problems
have been identified. A factor of quality of care.
- Patterns of observations could lead to problem
- Actions:
- Make explicit what has been decided by who and why. A factor
of quality of care.
- An approach which could provide data for cost/benefit
- More on http://www.chos-wg.eu/Models/iterative-care-model.html
- Moreover the task model can also be used for training purposes.
- Introduction:
- In informatics parlance " Objects" are logical entities
containing both data and functional aspects. They are the
logical building blocks of applications. Such block contain
closely related information about a topic and is relatively
- We need a large global vision, but we must breakdown the
question to be analyzed. Lets look at one component at a time,
about requirement and specifications. Introductions are
proposed but much more analysis will be necessary.
- Components can be shared at different levels:
- "Care Team":
- There is a trend to more and more specialization. In most
situations a patient need several health professionals. The
difficulties can be alleviated by means of telemedicine.
- The project should be analyzed in function of the motivations of
every stakeholder, patient, community GP, specialists, nurses,
paramedical, hospital management.
- In general sharing up to date information on-line seems better
than document exchanges.
- Semantics:
"Descriptive Data Model":
- Data models are intended to describe static data. Large medical
classifications are already available, for example "WHO ICD", "HL7",
"Snomed", "ICPC", "UK Read Code", "OpenEHR", etc... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_classification
- The task model should be able to accept most usual data types. On
condition that the data are properly prefixed, it does not much matter
in which of these data format the information is available, even in
plain text. Btw plain text is also a useful set of conventions between
the members of a linguistic community.
- Medical information is more than rough data. The Task Model need
rigorous standardization of "Clinical Qualifiers":
- The goal is that the complete information must be shared and well
understood between the member of the patient care team, across
telemedicine network. Concepts and relations are meaningful as far
as they they can be qualified. For example "degree of belief",
"importance", "complication of", "risk factor", etc ...
- Medical information reduced to codes truncated to "yes or no",
well or not present, could be misleading for the medical decision
process. ( Note: this in contrast to information intended for
epidemiology on large populations, in which case the granularity
must of course be reduced. )
- Research:
- Anonymized patient informations are very useful byproduct for
management and research purposes, but avoid to charge all the users
by data collection exclusively intended for these purposes.