Requirements : Duty Service out of working hours
Version 0.3, Etiene Saliez /
- Duty service:
- Introduction:
- During nights, week-end and holidays, the normal doctor is not
available. If necessary a duty service can be called, coming from
a wider zone. He knows nothing about the patient and his mission
is temporary. Nevertheless he should become a temporary member of
the Care Team of the patient.
- As for GPs, wireless mobile computers are here very
- Access to information:
- With the agreement of the patient who did call, he should have
access to the patient record. Up to date information should be
available, an up to date problem list and the current care
- New information:
- The new contact generate some new information, observations,
maybe a new problem, maybe a modification of the current Care
- The new information should be made available immediately for the
Care Team, on a regional servers.
Moreover a notification must be send, at least to the referent
doctor, and sometimes to others. In case of a request for
admission, a notification is to be send to the emergency entrance
of the hospital.
- Moreover a statistical classification could be required for
management purpose and for the justification of the funding of the
duty service.