Requirements : Pharmacy
Version 0.3, Etiene Saliez /
- Prescriptions:
- A kind of Activity, with additional requirements.
- A prescription includes 2 distinct activities, not always linked:
- Order intended to the patient, or to a nurse helping the patient,
and defining what the patient should take.
- A the same time a request to a pharmacist about the delivery of
the necessary product. Since pharmacies are autonomous
organizations, there is here a need for standardization of the
- Need information about available products.
- Control of risks of interactions between products, i.e. the need of
an interface to a knowledge base.
- Control if the patient would be know with a risk related to the
intended treatment, as an allergy.
- ...
- Pharmacist:
- Introduction:
- Also a kind of membership in the Care Team.
- The role of the pharmacist should be more developed as an adviser
in pharmacology.
- Scenario:
- The prescription should be first introduced in the central
patient record. As explained above the prescription is seen here
as an order for a kind of service.
- The patient receive a code allowing to go to any pharmacy of his
- The pharmacist find the detail of orders in the electronic
patient record. This give access to an overview of the other
current medication and to the problem list. This can provide a
warning about an allergy or possible interaction with other
- The pharmacist should provide information about the quantities
having been delivered. This could raise a warning or an alarm in
case it is too low or too high in comparison with the planned
- If the choice of the pharmacist is known in advance, a
reservation could be made by means of a notification, making easier
the planning of the stock of the pharmacy.
- ......