Requirements : Prevention and Health screening
Version 0.3, Etiene Saliez /
- The goal is here to apply a test to large populations in order to detect
a problem at an early stage when the patient has not yet any complaint,
in populations at risk and when an effective treatment exist.
A typical example is the screening for breast tumors. The goal is to
apply a low cost simple test in population of womens 50 to 60 years old, in
order to identify the about 30 per 1000, who should come back for more
detailed clinical examination.
- Again most of the generic components are useful here, if we look at
- Usually different organizations are involved in the discovery of
problems at an early stage as breast cancer:
- some women are going to a gynecologist for any other reasons.
- A variable percentage of the population of women are going to the
national screening project.
- The GP should pay attention too, but this is not systematic. He
should at least recommend to go to a test, but he is not well
informed of what has already been done or not.
- The solution should be that negative Health Issues should be recorded
in the global problem list of the patient:
- This would make possible to manage these tests as planned
Activities, for example at least once in every 2 years. If this
requirement is not yet met, a warning should appear, or even a
letter of invitation to the patient.
- ......