CCTOS Common : Patient Data
Version 8.1
- Objectives:
- Common properties
to all types of medical data related to a patient.
- Summary:
- Derived from Item.
- Scope:
- Here the basic and most generic concepts, common to all
subtypes of medical data, which could be encountered in a patient
record. At this level no further assumptions yet about the exact
content of the medical data, to be defined in derived classes.
- Approaches:
- Subject of care, i.e. normally a patient.
- A
document should at least have a type, a title, and of
course the generic attributes derived from the root class "Item"
(unique ID, version, responsible author, time, etc...)
- Groups of data:
- A medical document could be a container for a group
of elementary medical data. for example a group of images
belonging to a radiology or pathology examination.
- Multimedia
documents may be attached anywhere. "Polymorphic" list of medical
having a common purpose but which can be of different types, from
a technical point of view (text, image, voice record, ...)
- Implementation of the
access rights in function of :
- The
profile of the user.
- The membership of the user
in the care team.
- Optional attributes attached to the
particular MedicalData.
Optionally a restricted list of Agents allowed to share the
- Context of data acquisition:
- Refernce to a mcare event which was to context of the
data acquisition, for example a consultation.
- It may be useful to be able to retrieve all the
information acquired during a previous medical event. This may
provide a better understanting of the situation than just an isolated
medical item.
- Optional indexing in function of anatomical systems.
- Content representation:
- This class Medical Data makes here no assumption
about the exact type of medical data. This will be defined in
more specialized derived classes.
- An ID of the subtype could however be useful at this
- ...
- Notes:
- Medical record structure:
- Inside a patient record, a rigid tree structure
should be avoided. What matter most is the possibility to
navigate through the medical data according to several filters and
- Full free text searches are technically possible
but not recommended, because too depending on the spelling and on
occasional spelling errors.
- Preference for a system in which a data item
be tagged or linked with any number of keys.
For example: "is past history", "is surgery", is pathology", "is a lab
xxx", "is a drug prescrition", "was said by Dr A", .... i.e. an
approach in the direction of "semantic web" technologies.
- MVC architecture:
- Logical data structure should remain independent
from screen presentations.
This make possible to present the same information in different
ways, for example common information presented to a doctor or presented
to a nurse in a different way.
Remark : a patient centric approach in order to avoid the development
of completely independent projects for doctors and nurses, having of
course later very difficult to share information.
- Epidemiologists need rigorous classifications, but
the question is of the mean clinical users introducing medical
information, would be able and motivated to do that immediately.