"Collaborations in
Healthcare Open
Technical Requirements
Version 3.7, 30 Aug 2009, Etienne Saliez.
- Introduction:
- Objectives of the projects:
- Support of collaborations in Open Source Healthcare, as
explained in http://www.chos-wg.eu/
. Integration of software components created and maintained
different groups in the scope of an international community.
- Improvement of patient care, by means of
support of improved collaborative work between the care providers in
charge of the same patient. A summary of the Virtual Care
project is at http://www.virtual-care-team.be/
. Focus on a patient record in which several actors can read
write, depending on carefully designed access rules.
- This
proposal is a provisional vision of what should be achieved in the
coming years, although to be extended and adapted in an incremental way.
- Purpose of this document:
- Description of the technical requirements for the project.
- Summary:
- The main idea is the need of some kind of "glue"
allowing to
integrate existing software components in open source, as far as
possible without too many adaptations.
- Information sharing:
- The
project require to be able to share information between the healthcare
professionals in charge of the same patient, across organizations
- Focus on on-line network approaches, taking
advantage of new technologies. An approach no more
to email-like messages exchanges.
- Context:
- The
project is in the scope of international working groups intended to
share informatics know-how in the healthcare domain, particularly
in Open Source working groups of the EFMI and
the AMIA
, as well Open Source organizations, as OSOR.
- Prototypes:
- Prototypes are essential for the development of the
project, for several reasons:
- Involvement
of healthcare users, who want to see visual prototypes and are willing
to discuss scenarios, but are in general not at all interested
written specifications.
- Involvement of informaticians,
motivated by the technical challenges related to the implementation of
up to date technologies, as necessary in healthcare.
- Credibility issues about the feasibility of the
- The
next chapters below are a review of prototypes requirements and
considered approaches.
- At this prototype stage, the priorities focus on easy
development tools. The machine load is very low and
efficiency of
processing is here not yet critical.
- Production version:
- A smooth evolution should be possible from
prototypes to more professional versions, without radical changes of
- Requirements and approaches:
- Flexibility:
- The main goal of the project being daily patient care,
great flexibility is required.
Tools making the representation easy for:
- Objects with very varying length and
with many optional attributes. For example free text comments should be
allowed everywhere.
- Arrays of arrays of
unpredictable length and nesting levels. These objects have
to be saved and retrieved.
- Collections of objects seen from the application
logic and
which may be of different technical types, i.e.
"polymorphic collections".
- Navigation
in the patient record, like how you would talk to an assistant.
Any item of information should be accessible from several
of view, for example "give me all what is new since a week", or "all
blood pressure and related issues (measurements, related complications,
medications, ...)", etc... i.e. not only a tree structure, but items
can be retrieved by mean of several keys and links, to some extend in a
way similar to the philosophy of "semantic networks".
- Allowing extensive use of XML, since important
healthcare standardizations are based on XML, for example HL7
one of the most known international standards, and KMHER,
the Belgian medical data exchanges standard in XML, etc...
- Database interface compatible with object orientation.
- Remark: Although epidemiology and billing could still
be done with more traditional relational DB approaches, the
of the project is patient care.
- Modularity and integration capacity:
- Integration is a critical factor. Many open
source software are already available and should be reused as far as
- The essential goal is that software will be shared as
far as
possible, at least some components of generic interest. Since
local requirement of implementations in different contexts may be
slightly different, it is very important to keep the freedom of choice
of components.
- The purpose is not to reinvent everything.
problem is that many existing softwares were not particularly designed
to be modular. Adaptations may be necessary.
Anyhow existing established softwares should be
renovated from time to time. Moreover there are always requests
for extensions.
- Critical issues are:
- Clear encapsulation of functionalities:
- i.e. "Object Orientation"
- Multiple inheritance.
- "Services":
- As far as possible independence between the requesting
module and modules providing the service.
- Services are represented by "Interfaces" and a request
should not need to know details about how the service is build.
- A framework supporting these approaches and allowing
adaptation of external modules.
- Open Source:
- A large set of healthcare requirements are common in
regions of the world, regardless of specializations, regardless of the
degree of maturity of the local developments.
This means that the reuse of common software components and knowhow is
particularly efficient in the healthcare domain in a worldwide
perspective. This is why
project is developed with an open source approach.
- Multi platform compatibility is essential in order to
create a community, of both medical users and developers.
Multiplatform is mandatory for the workstations at the user side.
Therefore a preference for the standard of web technologies, available
on all platforms.
- Open Source is expected to become an important factor
interoperability, much stronger than the previous efforts to
standardize only the messages between closed proprietary systems.
- Sustainability by means of avoiding dependency from any
single software provider.
- Interoperability and standards:
- Common tools:
- The main goal of the project is
collaborative work between actors who are located in diverse
organizations, having diverse informatics environments and where we
having nothing to say. This situation require technologies
which must be already available everywhere, i.e. web technologies, XML,
- Current standards:
- Compatibility with existing healthcare standards,
although only as far as
useful for communication with others, and not just because they have
been ever declared "standards".
- Keep in mind that most existing standards focus only
message exchanges, not making the distinction between the content and
the container.
- Many
standards were developed for epidemiology purposes in large
populations, i.e. the problem being how to group similar cases under a
common label. At the other side patient care require more
descriptions of individual cases.
- The use of codes intended for data compression is no
relevant as it has been
earlier, because disk space and communication speed did become very
cheap, with a factor of about 10000.
- New challenges about standards:
- Need of standardization of interfaces to "services",
we are now in an on-line environment.
- Semantic web approaches, need to be able to cope with
multiple weighted links between concepts.
- Neutral Integration Environment:
- Introduction:
- Work philosophy:
- From now on the main philosophy is "on-line integration",
although "message exchanges" will continue to be used too.
- Independence between the environment of the request and
the one processing the response.
- Platform independence:
- Web technologies, because this is the most widely way to
access information. Indeed many intended partners of healthcare
networks use different kinds of technical platforms and all these
environments have already a compatibility with internet, today the de
facto standard.
Platform independence is very critical at the client side.
- Programming language independence:
- The project is intended to integrate software components
coming from diverse technical environment with diverse programming
languages and and which will continue to be maintained according to
their local own preferences.
Therefore as a whole the project should be perfectly
neutral and completely language independent.
- Neutral data representation:
- Data sharing between different environment need to be
based on common conventions.
- Processing:
- Integration:
- Tools suited for integration of existing software
components from
diverse origins. Moreover The situation is that potential partner
working in
PHP, XML DB with Query, C++, Visual Basic, and a few with Python,
- Processing:
- Moreover There is a need for much more than just a
CMS, Content Management System. Years ago the first
systems were
intended only for reporting of facts. This descriptive
capacity remains necessary, but there is nowadays a critical demand for
processing and management of activities.
- Work flow:
- a fast growing demand for the management of
work flow of care activities, In a working team many
activities are ordered and need to be followed step by step.
- a begin of decision support procedures, or let say
at least quality monitoring, providing advices and warnings.
- The requirements about flexibility, reuse of
software and possibility of extensions, do necessitate an object
oriented approach.
- Large libraries of software tools should be
available and a framework should be available.
- "MVC" architecture:
- Introduction:
- Need of a clear distinction between the
main layers of the system. There is a need of many specific
to be extracted from a few common models.
- Model:
- A generic common model of patient record, with
classes when
necessary. Neutral and standard interfaces to data storage.
- According to the proposed specifications, a very
model is recommended, in order to make possible to reuse a selection of
- View:
- Although around the same common patient record model,
professionals like specific presentations according to their own points
of interest.
example a doctor and a nurse look in different way to a common patient
record, they have to share. There is no need to continue to
maintain completely separated and largely duplicated computer systems
for doctors and for nurses !
- During experimental
and incremental
developments, the most frequent requests for adaptations are expected
to be here at the
presentation level. This means that the presentation layer should
remain clearly independent from the other 2 layers.
- Requirements about adaptation are expected due to:
- different cultural environments as different
languages and traditions,
- different kind of human organizations,
- different focus on the same common patient
information, because the users have different tasks (GP, specialist,
nurse, ...)
- .....
- Tools for the management of internationalization of the
screens intended for local users.
- Control:
- Logical Control level, between model and view.
- Reusing many common
functionalities, with the possibility to created derived classes
providing additional functionalities.
- Ergonomics:
- The system is intended as well for intensive users as
well for occasional users and beginners. These users are not
at all willing to go through
training sessions nor user guides. Therefore the man-machine
dialog must be very self explanatory:
- Many contextual help functions. This is
particularly important for experimental prototypes.
Discussions about controversial issues in development should
be accessible directly inside the proposed elements of prototypes.
- Navigation according on the zoom principle.
When looking at some thing one should go easily to more
details and/or related information. Grasping an object, i.e; clicking
is something very natural.
Remark: this approach is very natural. An
interesting comparison is here that 2 1/2 year old children can already
use a mouse to play with some animals from Walt Disney, while
absolutely not yet able to read.
- Response time is critical and should be < than
1 second in most transactions. If the inherent "page-approach"
of web technologies would become too slow in some situations, this
could be
alleviated by some pieces of local processing, as possible using AJAX.
- Security:
- Confidentiality:
- Tools allowing to implement "Role Based
Access Rules":
the main requirement is that every patient must have a
"Care Team", i.e. a kind of group of authorized users, in principle
under the final
control of the patient himself.
- Of course the confidentiality is very important for
personal patient records.
This must certainly be at a higher
level than in
the traditional organization related to medical records, based on
paper, a situation which is
usually accepted as being "normal". However the introduction
informatics should not become paranoid.
- Medical Responsibility and Quality of care:
- Even more critical than the confidentiality.
- The responsible author of any information must always be
- User authentication and control of user
qualifications and affiliations. The "Care Team" as explained above is
here also essential. Who is allowed to do what in function of
which role?
- The details of these access rules may depend on
cultural difference in different countries.
- Technical reliability:
- Also very critical. Does the software always what it is
expected to do, according tho the specifications?
- Automatic tests and redundant controls are strongly
- Certifications will become critical. To be evaluated
by independent experts.
- Moreover since the risks could never be reduced to
an absolute zero, residual risks should be insured.
- Strategy of collaborations:
- International community:
- A large project require the creation of a community.
- Coordination:
- Problem:
- Too many projects are a kind personal projects of
one person or a few people. Doctors are very individualistic.
natural dream of every doctor is to have a personal programmer at hand.
- Coordination is a critical requirement
- Coordination and distribution of tasks.
- Seeking support from dynamic communities.
- Incremental development:
- The users must follow the evolution step by step.
- Incremental development:
- Starting from a vision of the most common
requirements for every user in every context:
- Start with basic versions of prototypes.
- Improvements and extensions step by step.
- Adding specific extensions, step by step, in
of specific contexts.
- Modularity:
- Modularity is very necessary for several reasons:
- In order to allow distributed developments of web
- From the Open Source viewpoint:
- The
essential goal is to facilitate the reuse of the same software.
- the strategy is:
- Not to try force large packages. A package
excellent for a given initial environment is often not
accepted in and other situation in an other countries, where the
priorities may be different.
- But to propose components, made attractive:
- In existing projects providing new or better
- In starting projects avoiding work when appropriate
components are already available. Or at least much less effort if
only a few things need to be adapted or extended. Moreover local
team could like to be involved in these small extensions which is
possible in open source and could benefit other partners.
A trade off between less work and accepting things "not invented here"
may not 100 % as one would have dream.
However local resources are in general limited.
The goal of the project is to provide a toolbox of
generic minded components, based on past experience.
- Easy tools for prototyping:
- RAD, easy Rapid Development tools because many
options will have to be
proposed in a visual way although preliminary experimental version need
to be simplified.
- Very necessary for 2 reasons:
- to discuss the functional approaches of the applications
with the users, who like to discuss in front of visual examples rather
than formal specifications too difficult to read.
- to demonstrating the
feasibility of the proposed technical solutions.
- Although the requirements of prototypes and production
version are not identical, as far as possible one should work with the
same kinds of tools.
- Later when the functional specifications will become more
mature, the preliminary prototypes will need to by reviewed by
informaticians, and in most cases more or less completely re-written in
a more professional way, before going in production.
- Well planned development of the iterations:
- Documentation of proposals:
- Informal discussions may be useful, but written
specifications must to be made before any development.
- Discussions, using a WIKI.
- Conclusion and approval of specifications
- Coding test procedures.
- Coding the real content.
- Evaluation of results.
- Iterations should be relatively short.
- Selection of technical tools:
- Software tools having the support of a reasonably
international community of people
having know how about the programming language and approaches.
It should not be difficult to find people having the
experience to be able to participate in the project, without long
- Tools supported by a dynamic community, providing maintenance
and new developments.
- Documentation:
- The quality of the documentation require special
attention for several reasons:
- To make possible to share distributed development
partner in other regions, avoiding unnecessary duplications of
development work.
- For the sustainability of the project, avoiding
dependencies from any single software provider.
- And simply because good documentation is always a
factor of quality and continuity.
- The default
development language is English, but the users need to see everything
in their own language. In most situations only one language, but
some regions a few languages depending on the preferred language of the
user and/or the patient.
- .......